IQMS User Group 2012 – Day 3 Finale

IQMS User Group 2012 Day 3Editor’s Note: Nicole Smith handles marketing content and communications at IQMS and this is the final part of a three day series chronicling her experiences at User Group 2012.

It is hard to believe that User Group 2012 (#IQMSUG2012) ended today. What a whirlwind the last three days have been – it was an experience not to be missed!

The last day was focused on helping our customers get the most out of our manufacturing ERP software, EnterpriseIQ. All too often, regardless of the software vendor they work with, ERP users unknowingly under-utilize their ERP software and miss out on functionality and features that could greatly improve their daily responsibilities. IQMS addressed this common occurrence at User Group by gathering insight and tactics into the most regular areas of under-utilization from our support and training specialists, then presented the best suggestions in sessions devoted to the top tips and tricks in manufacturing and accounting.

(IQMS customers, don’t worry if you missed these insightful sessions! Keep your eyes open in the next couple of months for a new whitepaper highlighting the Top 10 Tips & Tricks to not be missed in EnterpriseIQ that were revealed during User Group 2012).

As a wrap up of sorts, here are a few of my observations made during the past three days:

  • IQMS customers are innovative leaders producing interesting products and continually developing advancements to evolve the manufacturing industry every day. As our IQMS Manufacturing Success Award finalists demonstrated, the future of manufacturing is bright.
  • Every manufacturer is unique, but most all face many of the same challenges: Become leaner. Maintain competitiveness. Adhere to strict quality requirements. Lower prices. Offer superior customer service. It was inspiring to listen to our customers needs and understand the new and better ways that we can continue to help.
  • The state of IQMS is healthy and competitive. I had considerable knowledge of the state of our company prior to User Group, but it was still reassuring to hear the longevity and stability of my company announced to hundreds of people who care about the success of IQMS as much as I do.
  • Conferences are not dead. Despite the rumors, face-to-face networking and the value of two-way dialogues with customers in person is alive and well. I would even go so far as to say that it is still a vital, necessary business opportunity.
  • Mobility in manufacturing is a fast-growing concept. Based on the interest from our customers during our tablet and RTStation sessions, I expect that mobile devices designed with tools and applications such as the ones in our app store will be commonplace in manufacturing facilities everywhere in a few years.
  • The two-way exchange of ideas and developments with customers is invaluable. I do not understand how other ERP vendors enhance their products without the development dialogue we had the past three days. Our customers demonstrated a great understanding of our software and came armed with improvements and suggestions to address not just their challenges, but the problems of many manufacturers.

I think Daniele and I will take a short break from User Group for the next couple of months, but then it is time to start planning for the next one! We have collected all the comment forms and plan to incorporate as many of the suggestions as we can into the next event. Look out 2014!

User Group attendees – any thoughts you would like to share about your User Group experience?

Nicole Smith, IQMS Marketing Content & Communications, has been in the marketing industry for more than 10 years. Specializing in multi-channel content production, Nicole loves working with IQMS customers to help share and promote their stories.